My advice for a fair stand, perfect and infinitely reusable
Get to the goal first, don’t waste precious time.
I am the founder of Fastand and I have a lot of experience in the international trade fair sector. I created and invented modular and modular exhibition stands: I invite you to read some tips that I can give you to create a perfect exhibition stand, which can give you satisfaction and above all a great recognition on the market.
I hope this page will help you even if you don’t choose to buy a Fastand stand.
Where will we get and where are we going? Strong> p>
In my opinion within a few years we will come to have a different and very different concept of the fair, with events dedicated to doing business and not events dedicated to the corporate image where it only matters to see how big and powerful you are on the market. I never explained what sense it makes to invite active customers to the fair, to make them eat and drink; this only serves to make attendance numbers and only serves the organizing body.
Wouldn’t it be better to invite non-customer companies and show them the latest news, technology and company quality? This is why you don’t need large stands but only well-designed, designed and organized.
The solutions that we have perfected over time, aim to help a company that has these values as the basis of its market.
What is the right thing to do for a perfect exhibition stand?
1 The design of the stand capable of attracting the public and users
In the first place I certainly put the style and design of the stand. Why? Because it is thanks to the design that we can immediately distinguish between the various stands present at the fair. The design can characterize you and make you unique, giving an unmistakable and high quality stand line. Our mission is to create a unique and tailor-made project for your company or product; unique to pre-established systems that lower costs and make the stand ALWAYS modular and modular, it is possible to create unique and inimitable situations. Since its inception, Fastand has created and developed systems capable of making any display form easy to set up by anyone, in all its parts and in an absolutely autonomous way.
The exhibit as a construction philosophy is the basis of a noble design and able to solve all the problems related to the speed of set-up and dismantling.
2 Color of the exhibition stand
I advise you to create a strong and representative spot of color, so as to stand out immediately from the other exhibition stands. If I am a user who hastily visits a fair, I am bombarded with colors, images and logos, advertisements and forms, but I am always attracted by a strong and univocal stain of a color, whatever it is. So when asked better a photo or a color on a fair stand, I believe that color will prevail, and in any case the photo will never have the visual strength to attract me as a clean and cut color.
The next day I will remember the all-yellow stand, but I will never remember the photo that was placed on a fair stand.
3 Size doesn’t matter, but quality and detail
In my experience as an exhibition stand designer I can guarantee that I have made small stands that are much more fascinating than large stands, always very dispersive and difficult to compare in terms of visual impact.
I love to design small spaces that try in every way to overcome large stands. I remember the Parisian experience of Fastand with a very small stand of only 3×3 meters but with a height of 5 meters which stood out on all the other stands of greater size; our stand was very popular and with a very strong appeal as to indicate “good wine is in the small barrel”.
It is the perceived details of the stand that make the difference and not the large size, especially in a trade fair environment where the user is constantly attracted to noises and colors. If we are able to stop it on the stand, then it will be essential for them to have a very high level of perceived general quality to ensure that consequently our product-service also has the same level of perceived.
4 Height of the stand at the fair
More and more fundamental. My advice is to make small stands, trying to make the most of the height of the structure.
The eye of the people is not trained to read the exhibition spaces according to the sizes, but from the general visual impact (forehead + thickness + height).
At the fair, the rule is bigger and more important: let the heights be read and the eyes of the people will read large spaces. This is the trick that I reveal to you.
The higher the stand and the more things inside it will be small, and therefore the eye will read as things of great importance giving your exhibition stand maximum value perceived.
Because it is always perceived that it is and not real. Time is short and people confused by noises, colors, and novelties. So remember: the perceived as an absolute value.
5 Communicate a single concept or product simply and directly
I am aware that your company like mine has a whole range of products and potential, but those who are in front of us do not have time and perhaps in many cases they do not even want to know everything immediately. We keep this aspect in mind and we play with cunning: we show a few things, the best would be just one novelty, so that the user can remember us and later discover all the other available options. But only later.
I know that it is very difficult to make reasonings of this kind, I know it firsthand, but it is right that they do it to have a positive result at the fair.
It is also a duty to be able to change the graphics from time to time by targeting the message to the type of visitor user. I have seen stands in Germany with written in Italian or Spanish, or stands with completely incorrect graphics for the type of user but recycled from other fairs, without absolutely understanding that a message to be complete must belong to the person visiting the fair, otherwise it is not valid nothing, as if it were written in another language.
6 Lighting
To say that light is important may seem obvious and trivial. I don’t say that the light on a stand must always be excessive and strong, it depends on the product, the fair, the user and what I want to highlight: playing with light is important to close the reasoning on how to attract the potential customer.
In all the other blogs I have read about increasing lighting regardless, and this is absolutely wrong. The light must be studied according to the stand and the product being exhibited.
Hot light? Cold? Environment? High, low or colorful? It depends. It depends on the message I want to give, and on the impact that the stand design wants to give.
If my product is made of brass, I certainly cannot use cold light, but in the maximum environment or preferably warm. On the contrary if a product is tied to the technological world, it is better to use cold light, tied to shades of blue, to give even more sense of technical and current.
7 Make the customer feel always important but free to view the news.
We take care not to be too formal or even informal. The visitor to the stand is a potential customer, he is not your friend but neither is he your enemy. We try to give all the assistance requested, but only if requested.
I have witnessed many behavioral errors at the fairs I have visited, such as asking immediately if you want information, following the client in all his movements as if he wanted to steal some hidden secrets and too formal sales that ask you for sensitive company data even before to enter the stand. We must be present on the stand but we try to make the potential customer-visitor feel at ease and do not treat it as a number.
8 We avoid unnecessary warehouses in our exhibition stand
Too many times I built warehouses, which seemed absolutely indispensable, only to find out that they were used to put the jackets and bags of the people who guarded the stand. That’s enough. Useful space is lost, ugly corners that are ugly to see and difficult to hide. They are not needed. And when in the stand I see 1×1 warehouses with a folding door that is really not possible for the type of current fair I don’t really understand why (the only reason that comes to my mind is that the rental of the warehouse by the fair institution has a nice value) .
The 1 square meter warehouse is only needed to be able to enter it, and the shelf inside it is so small that we can integrate it into the reception desk or create an equipped, lockable access compartment. But really create a warehouse where the only thing that enters it is a person, does it represent a Must of a small exhibition stand?
9 Respect customers’ time, the fair is great
There are various types of visitors: we cannot expect everyone to have the same care in listening or interest in our product, and we certainly cannot expect them to have any. We must try to explain without insistence and above all without making people who approach our fair stand feel obliged to explain. If we enter a shop and the orders are too assiduous in asking if something is needed, we feel annoyed and in all probability we will not buy anything and we will leave with no desire to return in the future. Remember that the visitor must not explain why he is attracted to one of our products and even if he stops to see a movie, it could only be curiosity and not real interest at a business level.
10 Increase the frequency of events and fairs
For years I have been witnessing a strong and clear change in the behavior of trade fair organizers. Gradually they are adapting to different ways of seeing the fair, more American-style and more and more resemble meetings and less and less resemble the “fair” that we have been used to seeing in recent years.
But you now have a modular and modular exhibition stand, what are you waiting for!
Smaller size of the exhibition stands: spaces to contain expenses and above all waste of users’ time, (visitors visited want to waste too much time visiting a fair)
More sectoral fairs and less container than a bit of everything
Duration always shorter (we attend fairs for 3 days and no longer for 5 days)
Non-traditional locations for us Europeans as a hotel, conference center